Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Okay... so Today it is the 26th of January... and cause I live in Australia that means it is a public holiday due to the fact that it is 'Australia Day.'
Australia day celebrates Captains James Cooks discovery of Australia...

I would now like to say I HATE 'AUSTRALIA DAY' I mean it celebrates the invasion of Australia where white people came and took over!!!!!!! (NO I AM NOT BIAS AS I AM A WHITE AUSTRALIAN)... It should be renamed ' INVASION DAY' in my opinion!!!! BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT IS SO TELL IT LIKE IT IS!!! oh and did I mention that Captain Cook was not the first to discover Australia?!!!!! after all the Aborigines were already here and not to mention the dutch had hit the top west side at one stage!!!!!

I MEAN SERIOUSLY!!! BUT wait there is more...we celebrate mateship! what it means to be Australian and blah!!!! HELLOOO MATESHIP IS a term from WWI used between soldiers it has nothing to do with our Cook friend!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! Not to mention it excludes half the population because it also has ZILCH to do with women!!!!! What it means to be Australian is also convoluted... as we are diverse and supposedly multicultural... it is true that 'from all the lands on earth we come.'

Why does this country celebrate a day that causes pain for indigenous peoples because of the history and excludes all people that are not WHITE with some sort of EUROPEAN decent!
And what does the day mean for people anyway??? usually equates to drinking way to much then traffic accidents from drunks... people acting like complete lunatics and bumming around!!!!

If we are going to celebrate something I think the day Captain Cook 'discovered' Australia is the wrong day! Why don't we celebrate the day we federated? or if not the day at least the year we federated... that was an important part of Australian history... and not as much of a sore point.

some people say but its a great day to get family together and what not... and okay fair enough but then why don't we have a 'family day' instead?!

That is my rant for the evening!

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